233 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Distributed Resource Management for Time Sensitive Applications

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    In this paper, we address distributed convergence to fair allocations of CPU resources for time-sensitive applications. We propose a novel resource management framework where a centralized objective for fair allocations is decomposed into a pair of performance-driven recursive processes for updating: (a) the allocation of computing bandwidth to the applications (resource adaptation), executed by the resource manager, and (b) the service level of each application (service-level adaptation), executed by each application independently. We provide conditions under which the distributed recursive scheme exhibits convergence to solutions of the centralized objective (i.e., fair allocations). Contrary to prior work on centralized optimization schemes, the proposed framework exhibits adaptivity and robustness to changes both in the number and nature of applications, while it assumes minimum information available to both applications and the resource manager. We finally validate our framework with simulations using the TrueTime toolbox in MATLAB/Simulink

    Camera Networks Dimensioning and Scheduling with Quasi Worst-Case Transmission Time

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    This paper describes a method to compute frame size estimates to be used in quasi Worst-Case Transmission Times (qWCTT) for cameras that transmit frames over IP-based communication networks. The precise determination of qWCTT allows us to model the network access scheduling problem as a multiframe problem and to re-use theoretical results for network scheduling. The paper presents a set of experiments, conducted in an industrial testbed, that validate the qWCTT estimation. We believe that a more precise estimation will lead to savings for network infrastructure and to better network utilization

    SparseJSR: A fast algorithm to compute joint spectral radius via sparse SOS decompositions

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    This paper focuses on the computation of the joint spectral radius (JSR), when the involved matrices are sparse. We provide a sparse variant of the procedure proposed by Parrilo and Jadbabaie to compute upper bounds of the JSR by means of sum-of-squares (SOS) programming. Our resulting iterative algorithm, called SparseJSR, is based on the term sparsity SOS (TSSOS) framework developed by Wang, Magron and Lasserre, which yields SOS decompositions of polynomials with arbitrary sparse supports. SparseJSR exploits the sparsity of the input matrices to significantly reduce the computational burden associated with the JSR computation. Our algorithmic framework is then successfully applied to compute upper bounds for JSR on randomly generated benchmarks as well as on problems arising from stability proofs of controllers, in relation with possible hardware and software faults

    Stability and Performance Analysis of Control Systems Subject to Bursts of Deadline Misses

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    Control systems are by design robust to various disturbances, ranging from noise to unmodelled dynamics. Recent work on the weakly hard model - applied to controllers - has shown that control tasks can also be inherently robust to deadline misses. However, existing exact analyses are limited to the stability of the closed-loop system. In this paper we show that stability is important but cannot be the only factor to determine whether the behaviour of a system is acceptable also under deadline misses. We focus on systems that experience bursts of deadline misses and on their recovery to normal operation. We apply the resulting comprehensive analysis (that includes both stability and performance) to a Furuta pendulum, comparing simulated data and data obtained with the real plant. We further evaluate our analysis using a benchmark set composed of 133 systems, which is considered representative of industrial control plants. Our results show the handling of the control signal is an extremely important factor in the performance degradation that the controller experiences - a clear indication that only a stability test does not give enough indication about the robustness to deadline misses

    Trusted Execution of Periodic Tasks for Embedded Systems

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    Systems that interact with the environment around them generally run some periodic tasks. This class of systems include, among others, embedded control systems. Embedded controllers have been proven vulnerable to various security attacks, including attacks that alter sensor and actuator data and attacks that disrupt the calculation of the control signals. In this paper, we propose, and implement, a mechanism to execute a periodic task and its communication interfaces in a trusted execution environment. This allows us to execute an isolated controller, thus offering higher security guarantees. We analyse the overhead of switching between the regular (possibly compromised) execution environment and the trusted execution environment and quantify the effect of this defence mechanism on the control performance

    DMAC: Deadline-Miss-Aware Control

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    The real-time implementation of periodic controllers requires solving a co-design problem, in which the choice of the controller sampling period is a crucial element. Classic design techniques limit the period exploration to safe values, that guarantee the correct execution of the controller alongside the remaining real-time load, i.e., ensuring that the controller worst-case response time does not exceed its deadline. This paper presents DMAC: the first formally-grounded controller design strategy that explores shorter periods, thus explicitly taking into account the possibility of missing deadlines. The design leverages information about the probability that specific sub-sequences of deadline misses are experienced. The result is a fixed controller that on average works as the ideal clairvoyant time-varying controller that knows future deadline hits and misses. We obtain a safe estimate of the hit and miss events using the scenario theory, that allows us to provide probabilistic guarantees. The paper analyzes controllers implemented using the Logical Execution Time paradigm and three different strategies to handle deadline miss events: killing the job, letting the job continue but skipping the next activation, and letting the job continue using a limited queue of jobs. Experimental results show that our design proposal - i.e., exploring the space where deadlines can be missed and handled with different strategies - greatly outperforms classical control design techniques

    Control-System Stability Under Consecutive Deadline Misses Constraints

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    This paper deals with the real-time implementation of feedback controllers. In particular, it provides an analysis of the stability property of closed-loop systems that include a controller that can sporadically miss deadlines. In this context, the weakly hard m-K computational model has been widely adopted and researchers used it to design and verify controllers that are robust to deadline misses. Rather than using the m-K model, we focus on another weakly-hard model, the number of consecutive deadline misses, showing a neat mathematical connection between real-time systems and control theory. We formalise this connection using the joint spectral radius and we discuss how to prove stability guarantees on the combination of a controller (that is unaware of deadline misses) and its system-level implementation. We apply the proposed verification procedure to a synthetic example and to an industrial case study

    H.264 Video Frame Size Estimation

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    This report describes a method to estimate the video bandwidth for IP cameras using the H.264 standard. The precise determination of bandwidth allows us to model the network access as a scheduling problem and/or estimate the amount of data that would traverse it during different periods. The paper is written to be as didactic as possible and presents a set of experiments, conducted in an industrial testbed, that validate the estimation. We believe that a more precise estimation will lead to savings for network infrastructure and to better network utilizatio

    A Comparison of Autonomic Decision Making Techniques

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    Autonomic computing systems are capable of adapting their behavior and resources thousands of times a second to automatically decide the best way to accomplish a given goal despite changing environmental conditions and demands. Different decision mechanisms are considered in the literature, but in the vast majority of the cases a single technique is applied to a given instance of the problem. This paper proposes a comparison of some state of the art approaches for decision making, applied to a self-optimizing autonomic system that allocates resources to a software application, which provides direct performance feedback at runtime. The Application Heartbeats framework is used to provide the sensor data (feedback), and a variety of decision mechanisms, from heuristics to control-theory and machine learning, are investigated. The results obtained with these solutions are compared by means of case studies using standard benchmarks

    SEEC: A Framework for Self-aware Management of Multicore Resources

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    This paper presents SEEC, a self-aware programming model, designed to reduce programming effort in modern multicore systems. In the SEEC model, application programmers specify application goals and progress, while systems programmers separately specify actions system software and hardware can take to affect an application (e.g. resource allocation). The SEEC runtime monitors applications and dynamically selects actions to meet application goals optimally (e.g. meeting performance while minimizing power consumption). The SEEC runtime optimizes system behavior for the application rather than requiring the application programmer to optimize for the system. This paper presents a detailed discussion of the SEEC model and runtime as well as several case studies demonstrating their benefits. SEEC is shown to optimize performance per Watt for a video encoder, find optimal resource allocation for an application with complex resource usage, and maintain the goals of multiple applications in the face of environmental fluctuations
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